Someone from American recently told me that the airline integrated Grab into their app. I had never heard of Grab, so did some research and finally had the chance to test it out today. I figured I’d report back with my thoughts.
Grab works with select airport dining establishments to allow ordering through their app. The idea is that you can place your order through the Grab app, and handle all the payment through there. Then you can just go straight to the pick-up counter, allowing you to bypass the ordering line. Obviously on the back-end the restaurants are onboard with the idea, as Grab orders are accepted through their systems.
There are no fees to use Grab. Instead, presumably their partnrs are paying Grab a percentage of the revenue or some sort of fee for bringing them more business.
The app is only available at select airports, though that number is growing, both in terms of eligible airports, and in terms of the number of merchants at each airport.